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Injection moulds at AKF Plastics

Moulds manufacturing, mediation or purchasing guidance

Injection moulds at AKF Plastics

Injection moulds: Maintenance, Repair & Guidance

AKF Plastics works with many different types of injection moulds. As injection moulding specialists we can work with injection moulds from aluminum for very small series, hardened tool steel for medium series, and hardened injection moulds for larger series.

We work with relatively simple ‘straight-open-close’ moulds, but also with moulds that have mechanical, hydraulic and/or pneumatic sliders and cores. We also have experience with moulds with folding or screw cores. AKF Plastics also processes injection moulds for 2 components (2K technology). In short, we can use all your shapes and types of moulds on our injection moulding machines.

Your injection moulds can vary from 15 x 15 x 10 cm (25 Kg) to 150 x 150 x 150 cm (27 tons). From small to large, we can use your moulds for the most optimal and reliable productions.

Looking for more information about having a mould made? Then download our free eGuide about mould costs and read our frequently asked questions .

Moulds at AKF Plastics Naarden

Mould purchasing guidance

If you do not yet have the necessary injection mould, or moulds, for the production of your items, AKF Plastics can also take care of the purchase of these for your company. We source the required injection moulds exclusively in Western Europe.

We charge a commission on the purchase of the relevant injection moulds for the necessary guidance and consultancy work. By exclusively using mould suppliers from Western Europe we assure the best quality, but above all the much-needed warranty. Naturally, as a top injection moulding company, we prefer to work with the best tools so that we can guarantee the highest product quality with the shortest possible lead times and with the best product prices.

Mould maintenance & repair

AKF Plastics performs in-house maintenance on your injection moulds.

If necessary, we can have any repairs, changes and possible overhauls carried out by our extensive network of mould makers in the Netherlands. Would you like to have a repair carried out, or are you unsure whether your current injection mould meets our high standards? Then let us carry out an inspection.

Storage of moulds at AKF

Your injection moulds are stored in-house free of charge for follow-up orders.
AKF Plastics has an optimised, well-secured mould garden. Your mould will be labelled and stored safely.

Read more about mould storage and your injection moulded products.

Have an injection mould made - Our regular partners

European Matrix Partners

Are you looking for a reliable mould builder but have no idea where your search starts?

AKF Plastics works together with renowned mould builders. We can refer you, or you can contact the relevant companies yourself. These are our partners for European moulds.

Moulds: Types & Options

Injection moulds come in many different shapes, types and dimensions. We describe a number of main groups and their characteristics here. This gives you more insight into the various options. We also recommend that you download our free eGuide.

Test spraying Injection mould

After delivery, a newly introduced injection mould is sent to the injection moulding plant to be tested. The injection moulding plant receives a detailed guide sheet with the necessary information about the product, the material to be used, and the design of the customized injection mould.

AKF Plastics free eguide mould costs

Free eGuide with Tips & Advice Mould Costs

To answer the most frequently asked questions, we have compiled a handy eGuide series with Tips & Advice. Part 1 provides insight into the costs, financing options, lifetime expectancy, and tax aspects of a mould. This eGuide is offered to you for free.

Have an injection mould built?

Would you like to have a mould built, or do you have questions about having your own mould made?

At AKF Plastics we have more than 100 years of experience in the development of plastic products. Our experienced team will be happy to help you. Please feel free to contact us. Would you prefer us to call you back? Send us a call request via the button below.

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